“Arthur, War is a Salsify!”

  • Reading time : 2 min 30
  • Written by Maëlle Coquelet

“Kaamelott: The First Chapter”, a movie who responded to the fans’ expectations. The series’ trademark humor is back at it! One quote has made its way to the top: “Arthur, war is a salsify!”. We have here a prime example of the series’ comedy. “c’est pas faux” as they say in French, but isn’t there more to that? Analysis.

Photo du Roi Burgonde
King Burgonde

The quote context

The Burgonde King, portrayed by Guillaume Briat, is the one pronouncing the line. For context, Lancelot is the reigning king, has been for 10 years. The Burgondes have tried to take Kaamelott many times during his reign. During one of these attempts, the King Burgonde tries to communicate with Lancelot. “Arthur, war is a salsify!”. The strength of this quote is its context. Arthur is nowhere in sight when this line is said. Lancelot is awfully offended to be mistaken for the former king. Regarding the Burgonde King, we still do not know if he “speaks the language”. Throughout the series, the doubt remains…

War, illusion, salsify?

The Burgonde King’s quote is characteristic for him. Anytime he talks in the series, none can understand him. He is a crass, rude character, who only thinks about eating. … What if he was way more intelligent than what we give him credit for?

Photo d'Arthur à table avec Perceval
Arthur, shocked

Said like that, this theory can make you smile. However, the foreigner king’s ignorance plays in his advantage. He eats from King Arthur’s pantry, signs peace treaty advantageous for him. So, why wouldn’t the quote mean exactly what it says? War is an illusion. War is a salsify. War doesn’t make any sense. It’s absurd. But this, Lancelot doesn’t know it.

Lancelot’s role

Lancelot is Arthur’s sworn enemy. He used to be his right-hand. Since then, he fell into madness, and can’t tell good from evil. Lancelot, against his wishes, is “the bad guy”. And as every bad guy, he doesn’t have Arthur’s wisdom. The line “Arthur, war is a salsify!”, makes him furious. Lancelot doesn’t understand the Burgonde King and can’t deal with him like Arthur used to. Every comparison with his predecessor infuriates him. Lancelot wanted to be the hero; he is now the villain. His situation is tragic, in opposition with the quote.

Photo de Lancelot souverain
Lancelot in Kaamelott: The First Chapter

Line Analysis

“Kaamelott’s” lines put into evidence Astier’s writing talent. The tone is light, the subtext satirical =. War is a serious subject, which Alexandre Astier handled with grace. With his dialogues, Astier signs the return of “Kaamelott”, reinforcing the switch made in Book IV.

To conclude

The quote “Arthur, war is a salsify!” is a perfect beginning to “Kaamelott: The First Chapter”. The scene is the perfect example to how Alexandre Astier deals with serious subjects. The tone is right, and the delivery hits right on the spot. The series’ fans are reunited with the comedy they cherish, without forgetting the more serious tone set back in book IV. We’re going deeper into the Art of War mastered by King Arthur, and relish in Alexandre Astier’s writing genius.

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